Sunday, October 26, 2008


The week following my 58th injection was another week of exhaustion, suffocation and isolation. Day in and day out I sit here. I go for my walks around the house and walk from room to room trying to get some exercise. I don’t walk far, but I walk. I have been getting constant joint and muscle pain from the treatment so I want to keep moving so I don’t seize up with pain.

The rash is back with a vengeance and I look like I’m scalded. My chest, stomach and back seems to be the worst. It seems to be staying away from my face, however, I get occasional flare ups and people do ask me about it.

The medical profession adheres to the fact that there is no such thing as liver pain is really ticking me off. My nurse practitioner looks at me with confusion every time I complain of this symptom. She wants to get my lungs checked every time I mention it and even though it was all checked out the first time I mentioned it, she still insists to do the lung check. I don’t bother mentioning it anymore.

OK, I’ll reword it ...It’s an ache that is constant and dull in the liver area and sometimes it can hit with a jolt that can almost put me to my knees. It doesn’t put me to my knees, but I usually give a yelp because it is sharp and hurts like hell.


My Other Blog said...

Your nurse needs to take an injection or two of interferon and have it shake things up in HER liver, then maybe she'll understand that liver pain is real.
Another week closer to the finish line!

PATSY said...

I agree with MYS - nursie should have to take a couple months of this arsenic and see how she feels. Hang in there - you are getting closer to the finish line!