Thursday, August 14, 2008

48 Weeks + 24 More

This week started out pretty good following my 48th injection on Sunday night. I felt good enough to push myself to my limit and by today I hit a brick wall. I am suffocating again and I should have known better not to overdo it.

24 weeks of injections left.


My Other Blog said...

I can't imagine what you must be feeling.
I remember before you started, when you said you were 'shopping for anti-depressants,' - you're 2/3 of the way done, that's quite an accomplishment, considering your nurse stinks and is a constant source of stress. I hope the next 24 weeks pass quickly.
All the best,

lynzeey said...

Well done on getting two thirds of the way through tx Rose, I hope the last third goes quickly and easily for you. My thoughts are with you. Take care.

PATSY said...

This is a milestone Rose - you have done 2/3 of the battle and you have the last leg to go. You should be proud of this and just take it day by day. Hoping for the next weeks to whizz by. Take care to not exhaust yourself too much!

Starbux said...


Only 24 weeks left! Keep chipping away, one day at a time. At least you aren't having to go out to work.