Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Injection 41 on Sunday night was uneventful. Just the “same old same old” usual sides counteracted by Tylenol. However, I was down for the count most of the last three weeks with more exhaustion and Thursday, Friday, Saturday I was functioning with it, but Sunday I could hardly breathe because it was very hot and stuffy.

I am worried regarding the fact that I have to try to make it through 31 more weeks of this treatment and the protocol where I live is very rigorous.

I did absolutely nothing yesterday (Monday) and I intend to do very little this week to see if I can have an OK day by the end of the week before my next injection. My husband gets so disappointed when I don’t have the energy to go and do anything as he’s bored with our life right now. Also, because we are eating high fat take-out meals he has probably gained 20 lbs.

It was rough prior to this and just when I thought it couldn’t get any worse, it did.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Injection 40

I actually celebrated my 40th birthday twice. I was in Australia in 1995 and I celebrated my 40th birthday in Sydney. Boarded a plane to travel back home with a stopover in Hawaii. Once I traveled over the International Date Line I was celebrating my 40th birthday all over again and I topped off my night in a bar in Hawaii listening to an excellent blues guitar player. I was exhausted and thinking the birthday I was trying to avoid would never end.

I’m really getting hit hard following the injections the last couple of weeks and today it’s looking like I shall be in for another low week. It knocked the good out off me prior to this, but for some reason I just think I’m a bit worse and I’m not used to feeling this sick, yet. Pathetic isn’t it? Getting used to feeling sicker, but that’s how this treatment works. Just when you think you have leveled off in feeling sick all the time, tx always comes up with making you feel worse.

I thought I’d clean my bathroom mirrors this morning and I was huffing and puffing when I was finished. It wiped me out!

I’ll go for my June blood tests at the end of the week as I want the results in time for my appointment during the first week of July.

I have 32 weeks to go.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


I trudged up the stairs on Sunday evening to inject my 39th shot. I felt terrible all last week with no OK days towards the end and it was daunting to inject that interferon knowing that I was going to feel like hell. I read many times that some people on tx do reach a point where they are so sick that they hesitate to inject. I hesitated, but I overcame it and jammed it in to finish the job. TerryLee8 told me there would be OK weeks and really bad weeks so I live for the OK weeks.

I spent the week physically exhausted and even wiping off the kitchen counter, folding sheets, pulling the wet clothes out of the washer were an extreme effort. I was in bed every afternoon so I had to rely on the sleeping pills at night. After the big upset several weeks ago with the NP and my bloods dropping so low I figured I had better take the sleeping pills to get some sleep. I wasn’t too bad for sleeping; however, the NP indicated that my bloods might improve if I get lots of sleep. I jumped on that option train because I don’t want to reduce the riba.

My regular doc wouldn’t fill my sleeping pill script after the NP read me the riot act and I started taking them regularly. That set me off with frustration. I called my doc again this morning and explained to the receptionist that it has been recommended by the clinic that I take these sleeping pills. He called the script into the chemist. I shake my head here with frustration. The medical system is trying to continually cut me off at the knees and I won’t back down.

Friday, June 6, 2008

38 and Holding

I’m working on week 38 now and it really set me on my behind. Last week I seemed to have more energy and I seem to be paying for my busyness this week. I was on my back in bed both Monday and Tuesday this week following my 38th injection on Sunday night.

NP called on Monday morning to see if I have been sleeping better. I asked her about my May hemoglobin and she indicated that it was 9.3…My heart went to my stomach as I thought she was going to take me off one riba a day. She told me that my hemoglobin fluctuated throughout tx and it was still OK. I agreed. LOL

It NEVER fluctuated that low. Crap. I want to make it to the 72 weeks on full meds. I know that the hemoglobin should be low, but I get no reprieve with rescue drugs if I drop too low and they will reduce the riba.

I want to tear everyone in the house a new asshole. I have to keep myself in check, but my reasons are valid and it’s not riba rage. If I weren’t on tx I’d let them have it.

Living with three men and two of the younger ones are absolute dirt pigs. I can handle clutter (to a degree), but I cannot handle dirt and crud. Therefore, I am going to call up a maid service today to see if I can hire someone to come in once a week to clean their mess (bathrooms & bedrooms and major floor slops throughout the house that they are responsible for doing) and they are going to pay for it.

They aren’t listening, but their wallets will listen.