Monday, June 16, 2008

Injection 40

I actually celebrated my 40th birthday twice. I was in Australia in 1995 and I celebrated my 40th birthday in Sydney. Boarded a plane to travel back home with a stopover in Hawaii. Once I traveled over the International Date Line I was celebrating my 40th birthday all over again and I topped off my night in a bar in Hawaii listening to an excellent blues guitar player. I was exhausted and thinking the birthday I was trying to avoid would never end.

I’m really getting hit hard following the injections the last couple of weeks and today it’s looking like I shall be in for another low week. It knocked the good out off me prior to this, but for some reason I just think I’m a bit worse and I’m not used to feeling this sick, yet. Pathetic isn’t it? Getting used to feeling sicker, but that’s how this treatment works. Just when you think you have leveled off in feeling sick all the time, tx always comes up with making you feel worse.

I thought I’d clean my bathroom mirrors this morning and I was huffing and puffing when I was finished. It wiped me out!

I’ll go for my June blood tests at the end of the week as I want the results in time for my appointment during the first week of July.

I have 32 weeks to go.


Terry Lee said...

Hang in there. I could never figure out if the tx got worse or if it just beat you down over time. All I know is that I fely very crappy around week 40.. Hugs T

My Other Blog said...

I dreaded turning 40, on the other hand 50 wasn't so bad. When you're turning 40, you're no longer young. When you turn 50, you haven't been young in at least 10 years, so it's no big deal. I can't imagine how you're feeling...