Sunday, December 9, 2007

Shot 12

I overdid it at work on Thursday and managed to acquire a hulking migraine by Friday morning. I am not susceptible to headaches, but this one was sickening. I am working eight hour days with no major breaks in the day and I was forced to work on someone else’s project in order to speed it up as this other person has been dragging their heels doing it. I had to do it so that my part will meet the deadline looming next week. I stressed myself and focused on it all Thursday so it was inevitable that I would feel like crap on Friday. I was delayed getting into work about an hour after the Tylenol kicked in and my stomach settled down from the headache. I was seedy all day, but I was OK to function.

Also, a co-worker was out for two days (Thursday and Friday) so it compounds my job when she is out. She misses major amounts of time and it’s going to hit them hard when I go on reduced work load and then when I eventually take off sick time they might notice the burn. I realize everyone is replaceable. :(

I was eager to get home by the end of the day.

I decided on Friday that I could not do Christmas. On Saturday the family unit, the boys, husband and one of the boy’s beautiful girlfriend, J, all got together and decorated my two trees. I am such a fanatic about my Christmas trees that it would take me a week or so to decorate them in the past. However, when I came out off the bedroom after my exhausted nap on Saturday afternoon the trees were done and were perfect. They were the most beautiful Christmas trees I ever had because everyone chipped in to get it done. Being the only female with three males for all these years I had to orchestrate everything. I always thought that they didn’t really pay attention to it all, but this year it just warmed my heart how much they remembered and how much they kicked in to help. The boys are going to pick out stuff for each other’s socks. I cannot shop, I cannot go and do and I cannot function through this season without help.

The 12 shot is done at full strength. I have not had my bloods done since November 7. I have to have one done on the 17th of December before my appointment in the clinic.

I think I’m holding my own. However, folding a sheet is a major task and I had to rest after I put each blanket on the bed when I changed it today.


My Other Blog said...

It sounds like you're doing great! I'm sorry you have to do all that extra work, that was one of the reasons I took so much time off from work when I was on treatment. I had been doing the work of 2 people and couldn't cope, after I was out for about 6 weeks, they finally hired someone else to do the second job - it had been vacant for 8 months! The tree looks lovely.

Rose said...

I always think that I'll change the tree and make it red and colourful. However, whenever I get that tree up it just glitters like ice and snow so I decide not to change it.

I might change it if I make it through treatment and put some colour in my life.

Me said...

It's great that the guys got the decorating done for you! It sounds like they did an aswesome job.

I can relate to the tiredness. I'm sorry you're dealing with that.