Thursday, May 15, 2008

NP Flips Out-35th shot

The 35th year of my life was a busy one with two small children, working full-time and preparing for a court case where I was subpoenaed as a witness for the crown. I learned a bitter lesson that year and the lesson was that when the thief rat was abandoning the sinking ship he and his lawyer tried to paint everyone in the office who handled finances with the same brush. We were all thieves. He was innocent.

I thankful that it was my accounting practices that protected me. However, being in a small community the rumours and “rumours of rumours” were flying and the accusing fingers were pointing everywhere.

We had our days in court and he was guilty as charged.

I backed up my shot to Monday night this week and even waited until a later time around 9 p.m. to do the injection. I felt OK these days and managed to get to a clinic appointment by Wednesday that went very wrong in a bad way.

I told the NP a little story about a riba rant I had one day last week and the conversation took a very bizarre turn with her insisting that I increase my anti-d’s and take sleeping pills every night. She took a simple little story I relayed and insisted that I was a tyrant at home and my family was suffering and I would never make it through tx and I’ll end up divorced. (This is the condensed version of her words.)

Good Grief!

I outright refused to increase the meds only to have her come back with “I’ll take you off tx!” She insisted that I was refusing to follow her directions and that she would be contacting my regular doctor.

She called this morning an apologized.

Getting through the hoops of fire because of our shitty health care system is hard enough along with the sides of tx, however, this constant feeling that the “I’m taking you off tx” axe is going to fall is too hard.

1 comment:

Starbux said...


your np is out of order. keep records of her failings and when you are feeling stronger - and you dont need her to ok your tx, lodge a complaint against her. then she wont do it to anyone else.

Well done for standing up to her.
