Saturday, November 24, 2007

Shot # 10

I had a miserable evening last night after coming home from work. I was sick as a dog and I think now that I didn’t eat enough with my pills I had with dinner. I managed to stop the urge to vomit with deep breathing and I did get up off the bed at 7:30 to do my injection. I was not well all day today and I stayed close to the bed.

10.5 pounds less and I hope I’m not getting to the nausea stage of this treatment that so many people seem to go through. I was doing well with not having nausea. I’ll have to force more food down as it was not pleasant evening on Friday.

I worked 40 hours this week and that could have been a contributing factor to the downslide on Friday.

I shall push on!


Me said...

I'm so sorry to hear things went so badly for you this week.

Have your doctors suggested any kind of anti-nausea meds to help?

someone said...

hi rose make sure you take the ribas in the middle of a meal and make sure you have some fat content in with it...we used yoghurt....if the nausea continues try ginger,in tea form or anyway you can ...we used ginger gummy bears.....yum....keep on going you'll get there ,it's not always easy..but hang n regards jb