Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Is It The Middle of August Yet?

Beautiful Champlain Rose
Another Wednesday has come and no date for me to start treatment. It’s pretty bad when the NP assures you that she will call “mid” August and is aiming for the end of August to start treatment. As mentioned before she asked me not to call her. She also assured me that she would call me. It’s creaking past mid August. I came home from work tonight and there is still no notification from her regarding a start date.

I should take out one of the demo needles and practice going through the procedure. Sigh.


Not Blank said...

Maybe you could call her and see if she got the fax, or maybe you could call the doctor? I'm begining to think the 'system' in the U.S. isn't that bad - if you have decent insurance, the doctors want to treat you, the more people they treat, the more $$$ they earn.

Rose said...

NP left a voice mail today.

We have such a "wait" to get into the system here it's unbelievable.

The stories I could tell!