Thursday, November 1, 2007

Week 6

I am holding my own. Pretty well wiped by the time I get home from work. Some nights I manage to do a little bit, but I wear down fast.

What's with this shaky, wobbly voice that I have acquired? I sound feeble and worn out when I talk. My friend thinks I have a terrible cold and eventually when this rough voice doesn't ease up I'll have to admit that I'm on some sort of meds.

Went to my regular doc this week and had the six month shot of Twinrix. I probably should have waited until I was finished treatment. I'll get it checked around Christmas time to see if it worked or if the tx has supressed it. I also received a flu shot even though the NP told me that it wouldn't do me any good. My doc didn't hold much interest in the NP's advice. LOL


Not Blank said...

A lot of people get the voice thing, don't know why. Well, you're really flying through treatment now - 6 injections under your belt (LOL!!) already. Doing good.

Not Blank said...

...and you don't have to explain the husky voice, this is nobody's business, people will get used to it and stop asking. Or if you do feel you need to explain it, just tell people you're doing a Marlene Deitrich impersonation for fun!